
Ore-ofe Adesina, MD

Ore-ofe Adesina, MD


(713) 486-9400(713) 486-9400

Dr. Adesina is a neuro-ophthalmologist at the Cizik Eye Clinic, where he has practiced since 2013. 

As a board-certified ophthalmologist, Dr. Adesina specializes in evaluating and treating patients ages 6 and older with vision problems related to the nervous system. He often sees patients whose conditions have gone unresolved at other practices.

He works in collaboration with neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, and ear-nose-throat specialists to provide the best care to patients being treated after stroke, tumors, optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy, pseudo tumor cerebri, thyroid-related eye disease, or other conditions. He specializes in surgery of the orbit and eyelids, as well as adult strabismus surgery.

Dr. Adesina is known for his exceptional patient interaction, taking the time to diagnose complicated conditions and to help patients understand their treatment options.

He graduated from medical school at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center in 2008. He completed his residency in 2012 at the University of Oklahoma’s Dean McGee Eye Institute. His fellowship was in neuro-ophthalmology at the University of Utah Moran Eye Center in 2013.

Dr. Adesina, who speaks English and Spanish, was named among the Texas Monthly Super Doctor Texas Rising Stars in 2020. He won the Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to education at the McGovern Medical School, 2016-2018. He is also a fellow of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology and is a member of the Houston Ophthalmological Society. Dr. Adesina also serves as Director of Hospital Operations for UTHealth Houston Ophthalmology.

View Dr. Adesina's CV here »

Collaboration with Referring Physicians

Physicians at the Robert Cizik Eye Clinic engage referring physicians in the care of their patients, keeping them informed about patient progress throughout the evaluation and treatment process. After a patient’s treatment, referring physicians receive a summary and a plan for follow-up. Our physicians encourage continued communication about each patient.

The Robert Cizik Eye Clinic
6400 Fannin Street, 18th Floor
Houston, TX 77030