A brow lift, also known as a browplasty or forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can remove deep forehead lines and elevate drooping eyebrows, erasing some of the first signs of aging and taking years off your appearance. Muscles and tissue near the eyes are repositioned to restore proper height to the eyebrows. Several different options exist for the procedure, including traditional surgery, a minimally-invasive endoscopic brow lift, and even a Botox brow lift.
Who is a good candidate for a brow lift?
People should consider a brow lift if they want to improve droopy brows, heavy upper lids, deep horizontal lines in the forehead, and furrows between the brows. Most brow lift patients are between the ages of 40 and 65, but the procedure can be performed on younger patients who feel that it would benefit their appearance.
What should I expect during the procedure?
During a classic brow lift, a surgeon makes an incision that starts above the ear and follows the hairline up the forehead to the other ear. The skin of the forehead is lifted and fat, tissues, and facial muscles are adjusted as needed. Extra skin is trimmed, and the incision is closed.
During an endoscopic brow lift, a series of small incisions are made in the hair, and the surgeon uses specialized equipment to release and elevate brow tissue. This minimally invasive procedure involves less bruising and healing time.
Patients are put under general anesthesia for both classic and endoscopic brow lifts.
A temporal lift, also known as a lateral brow lift, is a minimally invasive procedure to lift the outer third of the brow and forehead. It does not lift the middle of the forehead. The small hidden incision in the hair line allows for recovery in just a few days and keeps the patient's expression more natural, while smoothing the skin around the eye area. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in the doctor’s office. It produces excellent results with minimal downtime.
What should I expect after the procedure?
The initial recovery period is 10 to 14 days, with most patients returning to work after two weeks. Swelling and bruising usually resolve within the first four or five days. Patients typically do not experience much pain following surgery, but may notice itchiness of incisions near the scalp line. It is important not to scratch those. Your caregiver will discuss potential side effects and explain how to best prevent infection, minimize discomfort, and ensure the best possible result after your procedure. You should use a cold compress to minimize swelling and elevate your head while sleeping. Take pain medication as needed and avoid strenuous activity during recovery.
If your procedure included placement of a drainage tube, you will return to the office within a few days to have it removed. It may take several weeks for the incisions to heal completely, but the effort will leave you looking more rested, alerted, and youthful.
Meet Our Team
Turn back the clock with an aesthetic or cosmetic treatment with one of our board-certified ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeons.

Assistant Professor
Director of Oculoplastic Surgery
Ruiz Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston

Professor and Chair
Richard S. Ruiz, MD, Distinguished University Chair
Ruiz Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston

Associate Professor Medical Director, Robert Cizik Eye Clinic
John P. McGovern Distinguished Professor in Ophthalmology
Ruiz Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science McGovern Medical School at
UTHealth Houston
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